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Welcome to the improved Inspired by Education community!

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Welcome to the improved Inspiredbyeducation.com. We created this community for people who care about education, and who are inspired by education, to share their stories in an online forum to inspire others. We've been getting your heartwarming videos-and if you haven't been here before, go see them - they are great! There's Walter, a coordinator at an after-school program who finds inspiration in helping young people learn and succeed in school. And Brian, who credits his career choice to an English teacher who encouraged him to learn and taught him to appreciate languages. And there are many more really great videos to check out.

Personal stories are central to the human condition, they are how we pass along wisdom and knowledge, and in the case of the Inspire community, powerful reminders of the important role people play in enhancing and encouraging education.

A community is only as strong as its members, however, and listening is every bit as important as talking. We heard you. Freshen it up, keep it live, let's have a conversation, you said. So we made the following changes, including

- Adding a blog

- Highlighting the latest headline news in education

- Spotlighting companies and people who are making a difference

- Added interactivity with the "Question of the Week"

At Intel, we believe that education, in particular math and science, is the foundation our youth must have in order to change the world, to be the next generation of innovators. Education has never been a more critical priority then it is today. This site is designed to be a catalyst, to help make a difference, to engage people in sharing their inspiration and information to improve education quality that much more.

Join us in the Inspire community as we share and explore the faces, place and experiences of inspiration and education, and help us by inviting the people you think should know about this community, like parents, teachers, students, anyone touching the education process. Come back on Monday, October 22, where we'll highlight news and updates from the US News & World Report Education Summit.

PS Please share your video with us.

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