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Inspired at San Jose State University

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View imageOn Friday, San Jose State University's Department of Television, Radio, Film and Theatre was kind enough to invite us to a play directed by Professor Buddy Butler. (Buddy Butler was the university professor who inspired Omar Benson Miller to pursue acting - check out Omar's video on the Share page.)

The play was based on a children's fairytale story, "Puss 'n Boots." The young children had front row seating on "magic carpets," and it was wonderful watching how engaged they were in the play. Definitely a creative way to inspire and introduce theater to young people! The actors/students really did a wonderful job transforming into these fairytale characters and getting the entire audience involved in the show. Bravo!

The audience consisted of students, staff and alumni - all there to support and to make sure opening night was a big success. It was especially true of one alumnus - Omar Benson Miller. Despite his busy schedule, with two new movies currently out in theaters-Miracle at St. Anna and The Express- it was important for him to come back to his alma mater to support this program . His attendance at the show and the reception afterward really demonstrated the power and importance of having someone inspirational in our lives. It is clear SJSU and Professor Buddy Butler had a huge positive impact on Omar's life. And that night, we saw a group of new theater students who were inspired by Buddy, as well as Omar. Below are some photos from the event.

So inspiring. So what inspires you? Tell us on the Share page..

(The photo is Buddy Butler, Samantha Saephan from Intel's PR firm, Burson-Marsteller, and Omar Benson Miller.)